

Jenny has to and wants to change something. Instead of toiling away at Macy's department store she wants to catch a good game.

White Eyes

White eyes everywhere - what do they mean? Listen here: White Eyes.


The video makes the Yellow Umbrella become lively: To the video.

Yellow Umbrella

The yellow umbrella is not only just
yellow. No, it is of a special significant meaning! Song Yellow Umbrella.


Our new song "Happiness" is about the universal happiness that is striven for everywhere.

Without Remorse

Susanna carefully packs the chocolate beetles into her bag. This time she prevailed against her mother. When she and her mother look up, they see what amazes everyone: Without Remorse here.

Sweet Polyphony

This song shows how intricately arranged melody lines interlock in a magical way and take the listener into a polyphonic musical world. here.

Hey Caroline

After twenty years I meet my former friend Caroline again. She wanted to change the world, she conceived great projects, she had many big ideas. See here.


Our new song "Jamee-Lee" introduces a young high-flyer: Career, success and the complicated dilemma which comes with it. Go here.

Bad Boy

In spite of Corona and all the lock-downs we record and mix - and just now we have completed our most fantasic song: "Bad Boy". Go here.

While I watch your Smile

For the first time we can introduce a very special song: A multitopical song! Exactly that is "While I watch your Smile". Go here.

Good and Evil

Our new melancholic november song is "Good and Evil". Let yourself be seducted into a fairy-tale world. Listen here.

Caren knows

Listen to our latest song "Caren knows" here. Caren is a good-looking girl who spends a lot of time keeping herself looking nice. When Caren's younger sister "Kate" mentiones to marry Tom Caren becomes upset. Listen here.

Spatial Version

The audio expert Gerald Arend made an alternate version of our song "The Colours of this Day". His version is more spatial and thus we call it the "Spatial Version". Look at the site here and scroll down a little for the "Spatial Version".

The Colours of this Day

Some of you might remember us playing this song already. Yes - this song was supposed to be the summer hit of 2017! Due to many mix sessions we can present the song now. Listen (and see!) here.

Life is a fragile Thing

Brisk and bullsy persons dive into adventures and decide quickly. But yes - they live more risky and dangerous than the timid and reserved types who try to avoid risks and who need many insurances. For those life is too imponderable: "Life is a fragile Thing" - my current song.


She remembers the absurd landscape consisting of stingy rugged reddish rocks, and thus she feels turned back to her former home country: Afghanistan. And exactly that is the name of my latest song: Afghanistan.


I composed this song in 2008. It is so special, with many different vocal-parts, and with a vast potential, that I decided to do a new mix. Go here: Unstreamlined.

It's a misty Day

Sometimes you experience totally misty days. In these white swathes you can't see anything, and all around you things are looking mysterious: It's a misty Day!

I can't dance

My summer hit "I can't dance" starts today. Does it really deal with "dancing" or is there something else? That question will be answered here.

Pater Monard

Today we put our new song "Pater Monard" online. For listening this marvellous song you have to go to our bandsite "enroe" and further to --> "songs". The direct link is this one (click me!).

Charts No. 4!

"A Meeting with myself" has proceeded to number 4 in the track4-charts. A "Thank You" to all my fans for their giant support!

My new Song

My new song is called "A Meeting with myself". You can listen to the song here. The slideshow starts automatically, but you still have to click the play-button in order to start the song.

New Arrangement of "Something in your Eyes"

The song "Something in your Eyes" has much more potential, and therefore here's the new arrangement and mix.

New Songs + Refresh

After one and a half years of composing, recording and producing I release these new songs here today. It is a milestone - the start of a new andy-enroe-era. Therefore also this site's got a fresher look.

New Mixes

New mixes of the songs "Brian"+
"Where you and me will meet".

New Mix "The Layer-out is dead"

The song "The Layer-out is dead" has got a fresh sound now, enjoy it here.

New Album "The other Side of the Planet"

Today my band "enroe" introduces its new CD-album "The other Side of the Planet". See it on the website "".

New Song-versions

Finally completed: With new drums and new guitars I did re-record all songs on this site. Enjoy!

"This is where you and me will meet"

New: "This is where you and me will meet".

The song is an evolution from the former "When time stood still".

songs + pics + more

A manifold of things are new: Webdesign, images, songs and navigation.

New songs: Unstreamlined, Water Canon and Everything's on PC. 

And: Nearly all songs have been updated. Enjoy!


I rerecorded the fantastic song "sally". The new version is here: Sally or songsite.

new songs ...

are going to be recorded and completed - but there are still many things to do. So it will last some time, but be prepared!


Unfortunately the guestbook sometimes says: "database error". If so - and you need to give a feedback or something, mail to:

new construction of this site

This site has been constructed from the scratch due to W3C-standard. Thus it works fantastic now!

new song

My newest song "Like a Machine" is finished. Listen, download + enjoy "Like a Machine" on the song-site here.

new song versions

New versions of the songs When Time stood still, Because I see that, Sally & Games are available.

You'll find all songs here. 

2 new songs

Finally the new 2009-songs are completed: When Time stood still & Because I see that.

new mixes of Games and Sally

We did a new mix of both songs: Games and Sally. Listen and download here.

In the next future ... 

New songs are in work, new images, spirits, many things are to come.

This is my Quarter

A new version of my song " This is my Quarter" is here.

ok ... 

I can't answer all your mails immediately, but I'll read every single e-mail and answer it. But it needs some time.

new songs

After a long time and much work: New songs are completed finally: Go to the "Songs"-button. Enjoy!

Games + I am your Wizard

I have improved these songs: New parts have been recorded, the whole songs have been mixed & mastered in a new way. You are invited for listening and downloading them on the "songs"-site.

this website starts!

We now have 2007 ... and just on time for 2007 I can introduce this new website. So welcome to this new site!

Of course some subpages are still under construction, but they'll be completed in the future. Have fun here and also feel free to enter the guestbook.