Many pairs of white eyes look at us from all sides.
Your gaze wanders nervously up and down:
Will we ever be able to clarify "this question"?
You frown. A huge mountain of questions is matched by only a few answers.
We like to travel to the end of the world to get to know unknown
countries and experience new things.
But when researching our existence, we are faced with great puzzles: We
neither know the components of our world - nor can we predict its future
In particular, the shape and future of our world are difficult to decipher.
You'll find the lyrics
here (pdf).
We can tell the shape and nature of our universe using the Hubble
parameter 'H'. The options are “open”, “flat” or “closed”:
When measuring the Hubble parameter 'H', two different values arise.
That means:
The two different values are both solidly measured - and therefore
both "correct". And that is exactly a mystery! It follows that our current
knowledge about nature (Quantum Field Theory, Particle Model and General Relativity)
is at least incomplete.
You can find a short overview of the “Hubble Maths”
here (PDF).
Length 4:07 min 5.7 mb
Composed + produced by: andy enroe;
guitars and e-bass: tanja soler zang;
vocals, drums, strings: andy enroe;
executive musical advisor: tanja soler zang.
Graphics: andy enroe;
photos: andy enroe & tanja soler zang;
hubble maths info: andy enroe.