"Sweet Polyphony" is an instrumental whose main motif I recorded back in 2003.
This motif was a single short piano part.
Currently I arranged an entire song around the piano part. The result is a song
that shows what is meant by "polyphony" and what it can sound like. Using only
piano, e-piano and cello, we have created interwoven melody lines that really
stick in your head.
And indeed, "Sweet Polyphony" shows how ingeniously motif variations
constructed according to classical music theory can exert a strong emotional
pull on the listener.
Length 3:43 min 5.1 mb
Main motif composed in 2003, full arrangement and recording in 2021 and 2022.
Composed by andy enroe. Executive song advisor: tanja soler zang.
Pianos, cello, drums: andy enroe; e-bass: tanja soler zang.
Graphics and graphical construction: andy enroe.