The dispute between a guarded, protected and defensive character on the one hand and a snappy
bullsy type on the other hand is the topic of this song.
Every character envies the other character: The timid one envies the brisk type. And the brisk
type envies the careful character. For the mousy guy life is very uncertain and fragile. For him
"life is a fragile thing" and he ponders about every decision he makes. The world is full of risks
and he tries to insure everything.
In contrast the laddish man or woman doesn't even bother about the risks of life. He just walks on
and swashbuckles everything. For him the world is full of adventures and interesting thrills.
Words: here (pdf).
Length 5:20 min 7,3 mb
Song composed, performed + mixed by andy enroe in 2013.
Guitars: tanja soler zang; vocs + kb: andy enroe; endmix & mastering in 2017.
Executive song advisor: tanja soler zang.
Fotos, graphic slide concept + construction: andy enroe.
Thanks to the Altona Sprayer Connection.